Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blackest Night Follow-up Part I

So I sit here, bored and not altogether sleepy despite the hour, and wonder to myself; when is the next issue of Green Lantern (Issue #39) coming out? So I go to DC Comics website and not only do they have the cover art and a description up for issue #39, but they have cover art and descriptions up until issue #42.

Previously, as my second prediction of a possible resolution to the Blackest Night, I said...

"2. One being will somehow come into possession of one of each of the seven rings, and will use them all at once to create a White Light, and turn the tide of battle. My candidates are Hal Jordan and Sinestro, in that order. Hal Jordan has currently wielded four of the seven rings (green, yellow, red, and blue) while..."

Behold!! Link

If the cover art for issue #42 is accurate, we may find Hal Jordan having wielded FIVE of the seven rings, leaving only Violet (Love) and Indigo (Compassion) left for him to try on.

I'll find out about issue #42 on June 24th, and I'll let you all know.

Coincidentally, I've decided that I may need to make updates regarding the Blackest Night Prophecy with any given Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps issue as their content pertains to my predictions or inspires thoughtful questions.

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